Friend Mitzi and I went to Ann Arbor yesterday. It was the first time we've spent together in awhile and our conversation wandered onto our knitting goals for 2008.
UFO's were topping our lists; Mitzi with a fabulous Jane Splicer-Smith wrap, a mostly-finished-item for a work raffle, an Eyelet shell that just needs stitched, and the Babies and Bears Sweater for adults. Topping my list is the Ivy League Vest and...
hmm, I thought I had a few other
Truth is that finishing is a 'thing' for me. Knitting begins and then it is finished, rewards come in the casting on of something new. Problem is, there are tons of skeins of yarn in my stash which are tagged for projects and they WANT to be knitted. Impulse purchases are few and far between (mostly sock yarn). I am a purposeful shopper.
Mitzi pointed out that for 2007 I had wanted to knit lace and that there were a number of finished lace projects in my portfolio now.
True, true. I did knit lace and am ultimately satisfied with my accomplishments there.
We focused on my 2008 desired technique(s). What do I really want to knit in the upcoming year? Fair Isle (definitely!). Beads (on the needles now). I would also like to knit Baby Jesus - seriously, one of the blogs routinely read had a knit manger and that will be hunt down again. More lace is in order --- beaded lace, maybe? There are sketches for a couple of designs laying right here now (on the back of envelopes). The need to knit a sweater is bearing down on me now. It has been awhile since a sweater was created by my needles and I can feel one calling to me - it will be
Looking back on 2007, knitting was a huge accomplishment. The photo folder for this subject is bursting at the seams - it was a good year! Looking forward to 2008 makes me giddy. The possibilities, plans, yarn, nearly too much excitement to be contained as my heart beats faster.
Back to the
UFO's...there is one black/grey sweater which didn't have enough yarn to finish (the grey yarn is discontinued and unavailable now), a multi-yarn 'surprise' sweater that (so foo-foo I would probably never wear), a navy cotton vest that just needs stitched and zippered (just lazy).
How about you-
What would you like to knit in 2008? Are you happy with your knitting accomplishments in 2007?What technique would you like to focus on?