The post office was closed yesterday, but an e-mail just showed up that confirms that Kristy has finally received her scarf. Which means I can post this REAL photo!!! The pattern was knit by Dave for his ISE3 scarf pal and I loved the pattern and ordered it from The Knitspot. When I decided the time had come to return Kristy's scarf favor, there were two balls of Rowan Felted Tweed that had called my name for no reason and had been just sitting on a shelf - they were perfect!
I've been wanting to post a picture of something finished - other than a Christmas present - finally!
For our next feat: Kristy and I are participating in the Briar Rose Fibers KAL. I found out what fiber she ordered today

What a perfect ending to a less than perfect day!
I love this fancy, art-worthy photograph of MY beautiful scarf! Thank you again so much. I really love it and will treasure it!
It looks totally gorgeous. It's a wonderful pattern, and that tweed shows it off wonderfully. If I do another one, for me, this time, I want it to look just like yours. Well, Kristy's. :-)
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