Sunday, August 03, 2008

another finished object to share

Whatever possessed me to make this pillow again?
Bugg, of course.

This pattern is from Colinette's Toast & Marmalade booklet and is called Candy Whirl.
Candy, toast, marmalade? sign me up! I will knit anything with food in the pattern title.

As mentioned, I've knit this before...out of Colinette Point 5. Disappointment followed once the finished knitted fabric began to sag. Bugg didn't care, she has loved it dearly (not gently).
After the endless loops, tightening the knots, and sagging, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that knitting the pillow again would not be on the top of my list.

One thing led to another and Chris dyed up DreamWeaver in Bugg-specified colors which seemed a, different.

The DreamWeaver has a lot more 'boing' than Point 5 which eliminated the sagging (it also cost a lot less).
Now, a little Bugg is whispering something about re-doing the original pillow. Again, I swear I will never knit this pattern again. Although a yarn change eliminated the sag, all of those loops are fresh on my mind.


Kristy said...

Oh. My. Gosh! Love love love that pillow! I want one! Maybe when I am back from the brink and done knitting hats, I will have to find that pillow. So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so cool! I can definitely see how it looks like tons of work, but the end product looks worth it in the end!