How much Manos is enough?
I'm not sure that there is an answer, but while organizing my stash (secret closet) this week I re-discovered many hanks of Manos del Uruguay. I have one completed sweater out of this yarn and found it to be extremely hot.
Isn't that what a sweater is supposed to be? I've talked with other knitters about this fact and I promise it's not me (or any medical condition). It truly is hot to wear - please let me know if you know why...
Someone had an extremely good sale on Manos at one time or another and I planned to make pillows (I think) for Secret Agent U. This has obviously not happened.
Downsizing the stash
Gasp! Don't worry--this DEFINITELY did not happen. My yarn is loved. Well, most of it. The Katia Sherry re-appeared. The explanation to BDCH was that when you begin knitting, "you'll buy ANYTHING on sale". He did promise to vacate my space indefinitely until the sorting was complete. A discussion resulted and he SWORE not to haphazardly dispose of any fiber should I come to an untimely end (I hear my friends sighing with disappointment). Anyway, there is very little in my stash that I would willingly part with. Yarn snob comes to mind and MOST of my purchases were made accordingly. There are the 'new knitter' exceptions -- like Katia Sherry-a boat load lives in a bag outside the secret closet door and is waiting for someone to appreciate it for what it could become.
Stacks and stacks of material that had invaded my yarn space were hauled out which made enough space to clear the door, somewhat... OK, honestly: Things are more organized, but there is just as much out in the open as when I started and I just can't figure it out. It isn't because a yarn shopping trip occurred (actually, it did - but the purchases were minimal).
The yarn inventory spreadsheet is updated and is probably about 3/4 finished. Whew!
Finished knits without models

Scarves rarely come off of my needles. The occasional gift might whip up for the holidays, but the whole 'fun fur' phase did me in. There are knitters who absolutely LOVE to knit scarves with fun fur - I am not one of them!
A scarf exception was made this week - the Coastal Scarf from Knit Picks (as modeled by Lucy) because Bugg is gone AGAIN ---Argg!
Last but not least- Homestead Needle Arts Garage Sale
What a novel idea - you take any item ( Needlepoint related) to the store labeled with a price and Theresa (she hated her dubbing of 'Flosstitute' and I haven't thought up a new name yet) will mind the mob. I do mean MOB!
T said that no one came at opening time - OM gosh, did she fib...it wasn't intentional, how could she have known?

Speaking of which, it would be COOL if one of the yarn stores had an event structured like this! Imagine the store credit you could rack up by just selling the part of your stash that you didn't want anymore...