...And knit WICKED I did!
The long Labor Day weekend was kind to me and the knitting goals were accomplished - ALL 3, and here are the photos to prove it.
Little Princesses' sweater is awesome. Some pinks and more yellow would have been more girly, but the finished product is pleasing to the eye. It was going to be shipped this week, but there is a little package to go that is very important and the sweater will have to wait.

During my last visit, I promised a shopping trip and Little Princess knows she needs money from her dad...our shopping is delayed so a package will go out - I will make it back as soon as I can.
How cute can those tiny Calvin's be?
To Little Princess: Keep asking your daddy for money, Aunt Kniterella will be there as fast as she can!

Egebo is also FINISHED - with an adjustment to knit the collar on circulars. The plaited cable turned out nicely and is seamless.

With the way our weather is going, it will probably be worn soon and often this season - bah!
Although Branching Out in Pure Silk did not get blocked, all of the stitches are in -
I've made this pattern twice and get a little bored with it. It is a good pattern and is excellent for gifting -- IF you can make yourself finish.
Special Note: Blogger is picture upload is working wonderfully today, the sun is shining - life is good
Mitzi traveled to an Art Fair this summer and thought of me while she
was there. She found a scrumptious knitter pin - there was only one left - and she got it for ME! How lucky am I? Good knitting friends are a staple of life and Mitzi is the best!
My far away friend, Sue, might want to nab a few of these for Christmas gifts for her knitting girls!
They have all different hobbies and professions on their site and the craftsmanship is excellent. Most of the photos are of earrings, but you should be able to order the pin if you prefer.
Shout out to Fiber Guru! Theresa FINALLY has an 'official handle' and she hasn't made an appearance on my blog for awhile. She has been wicked busy running to market to purchase loads of good things for Needleworking and gearing up for the holidays (you can't stitch a gift overnight, can you?...) She is teaching on Tuesdays (ha ha, I will see her today!) and her classes are always entertaining. Check out her most recent newsletter and don't forget to sign up for her mailing list!
----I'm off to create something amazing and beautiful!